Info Session: "Global Virtual Learning Experience Project" of the Universidad del Desarrollo
Time :



Date: November 20, 2020, 21:00 Beijing time (Chile time, November 20, 10:00 a.m.)

Live broadcast platform: Zoom

Speaker: Teachers who are responsible for the "Global Virtual Learning Experience Project" of the Universidad del Desarrollo

Content: Introducing the Global Virtual Experience

Answering questions from students

Target: undergraduate and graduate students (including MBA) of BNUBS

Please log in to the following website or scan the QR code to register. After successful registration, the Zoom conference link will be notified by email.


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Registration consultation: Teacher Shang, 58802691

Project Introduction:

The Universidad Del Desarrollo hopes to promote the development of students' global skills by virtual learning and internship plans for international students. Through this project, students will obtain professional knowledge and practical ability in different cultures, society, and working environments. "Global Virtual Learning Experience Project" contains four sub -projects, namely:

Virtual exchange program

Virtual Exchange Program

Virtual Internship Progam

  Incuba UDD Progarm

  dLab Innovation Certificate Program


Details can be referred to the attachment manual, and the conference will also introduce the project more detailed.

Our School is a friendly cooperative institution at the Universidad del Desarrollo. The project will be open for free to our students.

Download Attachment:
