Case Workshop on "Encouraging Business and Promoting Literature" (1)
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ThemeKantha Boha Children’s Hospitals: Dr. Beat Richner’s Lifework

SpeakerKimio Kase, BNUBS

TimeSkype conference on Thursday, March 26, 2020, 19:00 -- 20:30 PM

Application: Please send email to


Professor Kimio Kase e is a professor of the Department of Business Administration, former President of International University of Japan (IUJ), and an internationally renowned scholar of strategic management. He was born in Chiba Prefecture, Japan in March 1949 and received his PhD from the University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. He has worked for many years at the Inter-American Development Bank and universities and research institutions in many countries. He lived in Spain for a long time. Before joining our school, he served as chair professor at IESE Business School, ESADE Business School, IE Business School and other top Business schools in Europe. Professor Kase has rich experience in case development and case teaching. He has written more than 30 teaching cases, many of which have been selected into harvard Case Library.  Nissan Carlos Ghosn, Imperial Army of Japan, Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station Accident, etc.